Friday, June 15, 2007

What if humans
have relegated all discussion of
truth to religion?

What if truth (the way we ought to live) were a set of natural laws (just like gravity and thermodynamics and motion and stuff like that)? What if the only reason humans have trouble knowing what is true and what isn't is because we've decided that we aren't subject to these laws? What if humans have relegated all discussion of truth to religion because, as far as they are concerned, truth can only be found in the supernatural, not in the natural? What if all this time, humans have been dead wrong?

1 comment:

John Fitzgerald said...

Hi Eric, I like open questions! Speaking philosophically, there are some problem with 'natural' moral truths. For one, where are they? Secondly, it looks like there's enough variation in moral practice to suggest that something deeper than variations in interpration and/or distortions in practice is going on.

That said, I am intuitively in favour of universal (or quasi-universal) moral truths, eg Kant's categorical imperative, or "So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the Law and the prophets." (Matthew 7:12).

I think we should definitely question where morality comes from, and feel that questioning will strengthen it.