Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Getting to the End

What if people
lose patience with us or
respect for us?

As task forces come to the end of their work, I've noticed that many get caught up in discussions of accountability. The members often argue as to what other body should see the finished program or plan before it's enacted. The points against an additional step are enumerated with passion, but I wonder whether the reasons we give have anything to do with the truth. What follows is my analysis of some of the more common complaints:

1) "We have a job to do." "People trust us." "It's an unnecessary step." -- We fear what others might do or say. We don't want to lose control.

2) "We were selected as experts." -- We dare not or cannot admit fallibility.

3) "We'd be wasting their time." "It would be a waste of our time." -- We don't want to start over and are already impatient with the current process. What if people lose patience with us or respect for us?

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