Sunday, January 01, 2012


Christ breaks the power
of winter in my soul, inviting
me into celebration.
Activity is addictive. And like any addiction, there are consequences: headaches, depression, loneliness, irritation, shallow relationships. I have experienced them all. I have not taken the time I need for rest. But in order to change, I need to find a new rhythm, recognizing that . . .

  • Christ breaks the power of winter in my soul, inviting me into celebration.
  • Intimacy requires more than monologue. Real prayer is a dialogue.
  • The darkness is broken when I find that ministry helps me to see in the countenance of another, not another number, but the very face of Christ.
  • Sabbath is fundamental to life, to both spiritual and emotional health. It is the day that gives purpose to all my other days.
  • God longs for me to rediscover the rhythm of the life for which I was created.

It’s not a duty. It’s not a space in time waiting to be filled by human activity. It’s a gift.

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